I do not belief it matters in this but I loved it! 😊 sorry typing on phone lol

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This was a deep story. I loved Madam Time character.

Let's go for the answers

Jon says at the end of the story, regarding determinism, “…the appearance of choice is choice enough.” Do you agree? Does it not matter if determinism is real or not?

I do . It links with our debate about reality and perception. In an scenario of perfect machination your choices would have been the same if the they were free or not. But nature does not like perfect. Nature is complex, weird and free. Thus what we should think is on the choices we will make if we assumed we were not free, on what will be the consequences in our lives. Choices with free live flavour tend to be better and bring us a more fullfilling life.

In the story, they mention the phrase from Dostoyevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov,” which says, “If there is no God, everything is permitted.” What does this phrase mean? What does it mean in the framework of determinism? Do you agree with this statement?

As a nice agnostic who try to keep ethics in his live obviously I do not. Or are we going to be nice guys because father is watching....?

Is it possible to believe in cause-and-effect relationships, and still believe in free will? How?

Yes, I'll try to sum it up in one sentence. The complexity and great amount of those relationships that happen to be interdependent open a wide range for freedom.

Is the fortune teller evil? Does she deserve to be abused? What in the story supports your opinion?

Time is not Evil.. This character only affects to those that are affraid to disregard her "advices". They took a decision ( free will?).

The exact transcription from the television was enough to convince both men the remainder of the letter was legitimate. Would that be enough to convince you the fortune teller was real and cause you to take the same actions as Jon and Michael?

I would like to think I would brave enough to stand with my priciples.

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Great comments and thoughts. Thank you for commenting. Please continuing doing so for future stories each week. Love to read thoughtful comments like this, keeps us thinking!

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