After Dinner Conversation - Philosophy | Ethics Short Story
Philosophy | Ethics Short Story Discussions
E40. "The Waiting Room" - Is it selfish to abandon your natural abilities to follow your dream?

E40. "The Waiting Room" - Is it selfish to abandon your natural abilities to follow your dream?

Named “Top 20 Philosophy Podcast” for 2021!

STORY SUMMARY: A a young boy is in the government waiting room waiting to be assigned a new “dream.” He strikes up a conversation with other people in the waiting room. Some of them are anxious to get new dreams implanted into their brain as they have not found success. Others don’t want to let go of the failed dream they were originally assigned because they believe, in their heart-of-hearts, it is what they were born to do. The government is indifferent to the desires of the people. Society has needs, people have innate talents, and the government, as far as they are concerned, should focus on getting people to follow the dreams they are good at, as well as the dreams that are most needed by society. This story was the winner of the Fall 2020 After Dinner Conversation Writing Competition.

DISCUSSION: Interesting story about if we should focus our attention and training on where we have natural abilities, or simply be average at the things we love? In this case, the government is choosing where people should focus, but that is not new. Historically, the wealthy would be patrons of the arts and focus on where talents should be focused. Is it selfish to want to be happy? Do we tend to be happy at the things for which we have natural ability anyway? Interesting the perspectives based on age as well. Young people often view success differently that those that are older, and why is success measured by money or quality? Also interesting the way the characters cling to dreams they have that were, at least originally, given to them by the government.

BOOK LINK: Download the accompanying short story here.

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After Dinner Conversation - Philosophy | Ethics Short Story
Philosophy | Ethics Short Story Discussions
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