Named “Top 20 Philosophy Podcast” for 2021!
STORY SUMMARY: A college student lives in a society dedicated to removing prejudice and judgment. They do this, in part, by having citizens live in mobile crates. They rarely see each other in person and putting down others is sure to get you re-education training. The main character, along with her friend, escape to a nearby society that has no such restrictions. In fact, each person is put into a societal category. Our intelligent protagonist, looking forward to finally being able to shine, assumes she will be put in a higher category, but things don’t go as planned. Eventually, the government recruits her to bring down the fence that dividesthe two cultures.
DISCUSSION: Interesting story about the positive and negative place for prejudice and judgment. Which society is worse? If we had to chose, which would be pick? Is the problem with the judging society, not that they judge, but that we don’t like their criteria because it doesn’t play into our strengths? Which society would be the easier to fix? We can’t really ever expect the judging society to change as those in power rarely, if ever, are willing to give up their position of privilege without a violent revolution.
BOOK LINK: Download the accompanying short story here.
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