After Dinner Conversation - Philosophy | Ethics Short Story
Philosophy | Ethics Short Story Discussions
E18. "The Book Of Approved Words" - Are there words so horrible they shouldn’t even exist?

E18. "The Book Of Approved Words" - Are there words so horrible they shouldn’t even exist?

Named “Top 15 Podcast” for 2020!

STORY SUMMARY: An “approved “government writer gets in trouble by the governing board for writing honest movie reviews. His run-away brother comes to his house to scan his contraband collection of books and invites him to join his rebellion by uploading an earlier edition of the book of approved words so the population can see the words that are missing from the current edition.

DISCUSSION: Interesting modern twist on the typical 1984 banned books idea. In this case, the words being banned are ones that might offend, or exclude, the general population. Brings up an interesting question, if you remove words for higher levels of anger and frustration from the vocabulary, does that have the effect of pacifying the thoughts of the population. Do ideas exist without the words to express them?

BOOK LINK: Download the accompanying short story here.

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After Dinner Conversation - Philosophy | Ethics Short Story
Philosophy | Ethics Short Story Discussions
"Top 10 LitMag 2023"
Curated short story fiction (Thursday) with a philosophical/ethical focus from our monthly literary magazine. $ subscriptions pay writers!