Hello, I'm your new After Dinner Conversation Newsletter Manager
We remain on schedule, and your next short story is coming soon!
Hello lovers of philosophical fiction.
Don’t worry, I won’t blather on this much every week, and you’ll continue getting great short stories in your inbox, as usual. I just thought I should send out an email to introduce myself. I’m Tina Lee Forsee, and I’ll be managing this newsletter for the (un)foreseeable future.
As is the case for most literary magazines, After Dinner Conversation is a labor of love, but not one that pays the bills. (Not yet!) Kolby has had to return to his day job and has asked his volunteers to step in and take on bigger roles. So here I am.
I have been behind the scenes reading submissions and narrating short stories for a couple of years now, but the truth is, I have had little to do with making this publication possible. The level of commitment I’ll be taking on is fairly new to me. To be perfectly honest, I’m not a particularly generous person or someone who likes to volunteer for things or support various causes. (My think my last volunteer project was moving rocks around at Martin Nature Park. I was maybe 10.) The reason I’m doing this is simple: there is literally nothing else like After Dinner Conversation and I don’t want it to die.
I’ll never forget the moment I idly typed “philosophy” and '“fiction” into the Duotrope search box and fully expected to see: No results found. Much to my delight and surprise, there was a result!
A publication that focuses on philosophical fiction? And it actually pays writers? No way.
Yes, way. And you’re reading it.
Kolby brought this idea to life and has been cracking away at all those daunting tasks of promotion, editing, managing. . . and many others which I can’t even fathom.
Now it’s up to all of us to keep it alive.
If you can support ADC with a paid subscription to this newsletter, that would be great.
If not, that’s fine too! There are other ways to show support:
Become an advanced reader. Basically, we will send you a pre-release copy of our books in the hopes you will read them and, when they are released, do a (hopefully positive) review.
Speaking of, you don’t have to be an advanced reader to leave reviews for any of the magazines.
If you’re reluctant to sign up for a paid Substack subscription, you can always subscribe to the magazine via the website (digital or print).
Or simply pick up a single print or digital copy of the magazine.
Request After Dinner Conversation books from your local library. (There’s usually a simple form on library websites. All you’ll need is a library card.)
Share After Dinner Conversation on your social media platforms.
Talk about ADC with your friends. Better yet, start a philosophical fiction discussion group!
On that note, I’m hoping to get some discussions going here. After all, what would we be without Discussion? Just After Dinner, and that’s not too snazzy.
You can answer the questions at the end of the story—that’s what they’re for! Or maybe you just want to say you enjoyed the reading, so feel free to leave a note the comments section. I know the authors would appreciate your support!
Also, I’m the one who will be facilitating the new virtual writing workshop. More details here. And you can sign up here.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
My personal newsletter-blog: Philosophy & Fiction.
I will be at the Tucson Festival of Books on March 10th from 10 AM to 1 PM giving away audiobooks in person and online. If you’re in Tucson, feel free to stop by the indie author tent to say hi!
Praise Jah!!! Why did you wait six decades to find me?
I need middle-class sensibility training. I spent my formative years in a household were the only things we talked about at the dinner table are the four things you’re not supposed to talk about the dinner table.
Sex, sports, politics and religion ……